
Prosthetics Services

An ambitious project which has taken off, is the donation of prosthetics and various other accessories and aids such as wheelchairs, walkers, breast implants, wigs, etc. The overwhelming requirement and the dismal quality available to these ailing patients propelled us to launch this scheme. We have created a database of the manufacturers and retailers and we are working out a collaboration and network for a seamless procurement for the patients.

Patient Navigated


Prosthesis Distributed


Financial Help Provided


Ashray Provided

Konark Cancer Foundation

Helping Survivors Get Back on Their Feet (Literally)

The Konark Cancer Foundation (KCF) understands that the fight against cancer doesn’t end with treatment. Rehabilitation is a crucial phase, and access to quality prosthetics and other aids can significantly impact a survivor’s well-being.

Recognizing the Gap

KCF identified a critical issue: a lack of easily accessible, high-quality prosthetics for cancer patients in India. To bridge this gap, they’ve taken a two-pronged approach:

Creating a Quality Network: They have meticulously built a database of reliable manufacturers and retailers who meet stringent quality standards. This ensures that survivors receive prosthetics, wheelchairs, walkers, breast implants, and wigs that are both functional and comfortable.

Strategic Partnerships: KCF has joined forces with leading organizations in the field. They’ve partnered with:

Tynor for top-notch silicon breast implants

Ratna Nidhi Foundation for advanced prosthetic limbs

Eugenics for wigs that offer comfort and a natural look

Beyond Treatment, Towards a Better Life


KCF’s prosthetics program goes beyond just providing equipment. It signifies their commitment to offering comprehensive support for cancer survivors. By ensuring access to high-quality prosthetics and other aids, KCF empowers survivors to regain their independence, improve their quality of life, and achieve better rehabilitation outcomes.


The Konark Cancer Foundation (KCF) has launched a comprehensive prosthetics program aimed at supporting cancer survivors in their rehabilitation and repatriation efforts. Recognizing the lack of access to high-quality prosthetics and accessories for patients, KCF has taken proactive measures to address this issue.


One of the key initiatives of the program is the establishment of a robust database comprising manufacturers and retailers who adhere to the highest standards in prosthetic devices. This ensures that KCF can procure top-tier aids for survivors, meeting their specific needs and enhancing their quality of life post-treatment.


Moreover, KCF has strategically partnered with renowned organizations specializing in different types of prosthetic aids. For instance, partnerships with Tynor focus on breast implants, Ratna Nidhi Foundation specializes in prosthetic limbs, and Eugenics provides expertise in wigs and hairpieces. These collaborations streamline the procurement processes, ensuring that cancer survivors receive the necessary aids promptly and efficiently.
By forging these partnerships and maintaining a dedicated database, KCF demonstrates its commitment to providing comprehensive support beyond medical treatment. The prosthetics program aims to improve the well-being and rehabilitation outcomes of cancer survivors, empowering them to lead fulfilling lives after treatment.

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